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Uscita: SA1-2010 Gita5 / Pizzo Bandiera

Corso: SA1-2010
Data: 21/03/2010

Itinerario: Pizzo Bandiera
Quota iniziale : 1630
Quota finale : 2817
Dislivello totale : 1187
Esposizione :
Difficolta' : BS
Localita' di partenza :
Regione :
Zona : Val Formazza - Devero

2 commenti su “Uscita: SA1-2010 Gita5 / Pizzo Bandiera”

  1. the instructors did it again – they managed to find a place where, even with our terrible weather luck, we were able to do a great trip, making it almost to the top with a pretty decent ski down.

    saturday afternoon we arrived at the quaint albergo alpino in time for a short ski up until we found a place to carry out the group arva search. all seemed to have gone well, as we found all 6 avalanche beacons within the 15 minutes, until guido pointed out that in fact they would have all been dead since it took us at least 15 minutes just to get out shovels and probes and gather at the scene of the accident. oops!

    sunday morning, unbelievably, it wasn’t raining when we finished breakfast, so we put on our skis, checked our schizzo di rota and took off towards pizzo bandiera (which we never actually saw). the rain/snow held off just long enough to be sure we were committed to doing the trip and couldn’t turn back for the thermal baths. after about 30 minutes, it started drizzling, which turned to a light snow a bit higher up, eventually snowing quite hard. regardless, i was sweating the whole way up, and i will be sure to take guido’s suggestion to bring a clean shirt to change into on bad weather days.

    we had a great climb up, save for a couple cases of leg cramps! the snow let up a bit, and sometimes we could even see the sun. in all, we did 1000m, arriving at 2615m, where a thick fog completely covered the ridge and summit, so we decided to turn back. this way there would be plenty of time to build the snow shelter, digging for almost two hours, AND do the avalanche beacon search. if i had known, i might not have been so excited to dig…

    overall, it was a fantastic trip! thanks to guido, riccardo and luca and all my brave classmates from classe 9. oh, and i don’t want to jinx it, but i took a peek at the weather, and it seems that the sun will come back just in time for our trip this weekend. fingers crossed, everyone!

    see you on thursday, amy

    finally, here’s the link to some of the photos i took this weekend:

    there you go, guido! i have to get at least one extra point for this long post, right??

  2. Che dire?
    Da un WE dove ci aspettavamo solo pioggia e’ venuta fuori una gita e mezza divertente, fatto esercitazioni interessanti, e come sempre imparato e celebrato a dovere!

    Grazie a tutti!


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